here’s a resume - it’s sorta of boring but I guess people still read them?
I would love to team up with you at the Mill!
I’m a really passionate about this kind of work. But I’m not only interested in getting projects done at a high standard. I’m also interested in *how* that work gets done. I’m particularly interested in:
Regarding the elusive term "culture", I believe that a great culture can accumulate to extremely meaningful changes between a company with a great culture and a company with a poor culture. Companies with great culture's workers want to push themselves to do better, they enjoy their work and therefore take more pride in it, they want to support each other and wish for each other's success. I believe that culture must be built, both by management, but also by hiring people who are passionate about it and will continue to uphold and fight for that culture.
In the next decade, the purpose of every company will change. For the last 40-50 years, the social purpose of a company has been only to generate money, more recently for the purpose of enriching shareholders. But in the coming decades, the social purpose of a company will shift to also needing to enrich its workers lives - of course financially, but also socially, emotionally, and by offering meaningful life experiences. I have had one manager in my life (who was a compositing supervisor) who has exhibited this to me on a day-to-day basis. As a manger, I'd like to be at the forefront of that cultural shift that makes workers excited and proud to work for their company.
Regarding process, I believe that process is what makes a company a company. When we hear that Netflix just bought Scanline for $X - what they are buying isn't workstations, and it isn't even a workforce - Netflix could easily hire artists and buy workstations by itself. What Netflix is buying is process and the processes that Scanline has codified into software. They are buying a 'VFX-machine' that has been built over decades. It is thousands and thousands of tiny pre-made that collectively produce VFX work, without dependency on any specific individual or piece of machinery. Because of this, I believe that the way to improve the value of a company is to improve its process (and implicitly the processes codified into software).
If I'm lucky enough to be considered for this comp sup position, I'd love to have a conversation about growing within the Mill. I'm pretty ambitious and I really love this kind of work, so that kind of conversation is always interesting to me :)
Thank you, hope to speak with you soon, and much love.
↓ Here’s some stuff I’ve directed ↓